Congenital heart defects: know the facts

We protect health and secure justice for people with CHDs by identifying causes and maximizing settlements

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What are congenital heart defects?

Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are conditions present at birth that can affect the structure of a baby’s heart and the way it works. They are the most common type of congenital injuries.

Around 1 in 4 babies born with a heart defect has a critical CHD. Babies with a critical CHD often need surgery or other procedures in the first year of life.

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Not all causes of CHDs are known; however, environmental factors such as over-the-counter or prescription drugs may play a role in causing the condition.

If you or your child have a CHD, our team of medical professionals can carefully analyze your medical records, identify potential environmental causes, and determine if you qualify for compensation.

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How can we help

Protecting health, securing justice.

Our medical and legal team will support you through every step of the process by:

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We listen carefully to your story and analyze your medical records to identify potential causes of your CHD and help you understand the next steps.

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Getting justice

If we determine your condition could have been caused by environmental factors like prescription drugs taken during pregnancy, you’ll be supported through the legal process by a team that has secured payouts 108% higher than average. And we'll never charge you for our services.

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Protecting Families

By understanding your story and learning more about the potential causes of your CHD, we are able to hold responsible parties, like pharmaceutical companies, accountable. Together, we can protect future families from unnecessary harm.

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Free consultation

Discuss your experience with a member of our team to learn about your legal rights and whether you qualify for compensation.

The right legal help

With over 1000 partnered attorneys, all of whom are highly experienced, we are able to match clients with the right attorney for their case. Clients are supported every step of the way by a representative on hand to answer any questions and address concerns.

Jon Drago, Esq Managing Partner

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